Where do you unearth these wonderful items?
75% of our items come from small, UK based auctions, 20% from international auctions and an exciting 5% are rare charity and vintage store finds.
Unfortunately, auction houses can rarely devote the proper time and attention that every item they sell deserves.
We, on the other hand, pride ourselves in offering our customers items that have been polished, fully researched and ready to use.
I have something that I want to sell, let's talk.
Let's! We're always on the look out for new items and if you have something at home that has been gathering dust since Charles and Diana's wedding, we'd be very happy to have a look at it.
Just send over a short description or what you know about said dusty piece and a picture or two to info@ritasbazaar.co.uk and we'll either dispatch our team of hedgehogs to pick it up or let you down gently and advise that you gift it to your upstairs, clog wearing neighbour.
However, please bear in mind that we're not a professional auction house and can't give you an estimate for how much your item will sell for at Christie's; we can only tell you if we think it has value to us and how much we'd send your way to take if off your hands.
I'm looking for something but can't find it here, can you help?
We'd love nothing more. We're constantly buying at international auctions (as well as smaller, local ones), and vintage shops and it feels like we've just about seen everything.
Whether you're looking for a specific piece of jewellery that came to you in a dream or you have a budget and a general idea in mind, we would love to help, so send us an e-mail to info@ritasbazaar.co.uk